Server Information
About the Staff
Request Free VIP Access

Server Information

Our server is a completely free to play (nothing to buy ever), Christ honoring, fun community. You must follow these rules to play on this server.

  1. Keep it Family Friendly
    • We all can get frustrated but there is no need for foul language and it will not be tolorated.
    • Keep in mind the topics of your discussion/gameplay. Things like drugs, alcohol, sexual activities, politics, etc are not suitable for our server because we are Family Friendly.
    • Keep your character skins family appropriate.
  2. Do Not Be Rude to Others
    • No insults, name-calling, or other general rude behavior against other players. Harassment/Bullying is not tolerated.
    • Do not make public accusations against or gossip about other players.
    • If you have a question about what is seen as rude, ask a Staff member.
  3. Do Not Touch What Isn't Yours
    • Stealing or breaking blocks that aren't yours (griefing) is not allowed anywhere on our server.
    • Even if you find a chest in the wild and no one is around, it is not yours to take and therefore should be left alone.
    • Playful interactions, such as a joke build for a friend, are OK but do not do anything that would upset another player.
  4. Do Not Hack, Cheat, or Exploit
    • Some client side mods are great, such as Optifine and the BDCraft resource pack, in fact we recommend these client side modifications.
    • Do not use any mods, macros or game bugs that give a significant advantage over other players. This includes any aspect that allows xray vision, cave finder, radar, block glitches, etc. This also includes anything that may allow you to move, jump, or fly in a way not intended by the default game settings. Even if it's a server-side bug, do not abuse it. Stop and report the issue immediately to a Staff member.
    • Auto-clicking, fast-clicking, macros, or anything that gives you the ability to exceed normal game play abilities are not allowed.
    • You are allowed to AFK appropriately. For example, going AFK over night at a mob grinder is allowed. If you cause server lag while afk you may be kicked temporarily from the server.
  5. Do Not Scam Other Players
    • This includes the abuse of mistakes on shop signs, trying to cheat players out of their items, failing to deliver paid-for items, etc. If you have a question about what might constitute a scam, contact the Staff.
    • Lotteries are not allowed on the server at all due to their high involvement in previous scams.
    • Do not create games or events that are not possible. This is defined by the Staff as a type of scam.
  6. Do Not Harm Other Players
    • In general, PvP is not allowed on this server. This includes any indirect methods of harming another player.
    • If players agree to PvP then they are free to have fun as long as they limit their activity to players who have agreed to PvP.
    • Note: This rule does not apply in the PvP Arenas, or at specific events geared toward PvP and run by the Staff.
  7. Do Not Spam
    • This includes the use of repetitive punctuation, letters, messages, words, shop adverts, etc.
    • Please use English in public Chat channels. In all public chats, the use of other languages is not allowed because a staff member is not able to ensure you are abiding by all of our server's Chat related rules and to other players it is seen as spam.
    • Only advertise your shop/residence at a maximum of once every 3 hours, unless otherwise solicited. If you have multiple Residences, you may only advertise one every 3 hours.
    • The use of external characters/fonts is prohibited. It shows up as ???'s in the staff logs and is therefore disallowed regardless of the character you are trying to make.
  8. Do not ask for other player's personal (IRL) details.
    • Our server is a place for players of all ages to play and feel safe. Always practice safe internet use practices. If someone asks you for personal information, do not give it out. Report the action to a staff member immediately.
  9. Other Minor Rules
    • Do not cause public drama.
      Intentionally doing anything that is likely to cause public upset, arguments, riots, or any other negative action, for any reason, is not allowed.
      Publicly stating that you are cheating or breaking the rules as a joke is a form of causing public drama.
    • Do not advertise anything outside of the game.
      Chat is not an appropriate place to talk about other servers. Nor is it a place to talk about any kind of real world transaction. Publicly stating that you are cheating or breaking the rules as a joke is a form of causing public drama.

About the Staff

Our adult staff are here to help make sure the community continues to be a welcoming, fun, and Christ honoring community. We also make sure our community follows the server rules that help keep our vanilla server a great place to play.

Our staff is happy to help if you experience any server problems or just need some general help. What we're NOT here to do is ruin the gaming experience by giving out resources, so please don't ask.

My name is Darren and I'm our server's owner. I'm christian, a husband, and father of two amazing children. I'm a software developer by trade and a gamer at heart. I love minecraft, it's an amazing game that encourages creativity and a good work ethic.

Requesting Access to Play

Our server is a whitelist only server, so you need to request access to be given permissing to join the server. Access is completely FREE but this process helps us keep the server a SAFE and CLEAN environment to play in. If you'd like to speak with someone on the phone that can be arranged by filling out the form below, mentioning that in the comments field, and providing a phone number to contact you. Typically submissions are approved/denied in a few hours.

We'll never share your email with anyone else. It's optional but without it I can't get back to you.
You must enter your Minecraft name exactly as it appears in-game, we use this to whitelist you on the server.
Please explain how you heard about the server. For example, "I heard from a friend of mine at X school."